Welcome to the Esperanza North HOA site. To view all the information available to our members, you must be logged in.
To promote a sense of community and inclusion, enhance the livability, safety, welfare and interests of the property owners. To preserve and enhance property values through upholding of covenants and support the quality of life through the use of resources for the benefit of all who live or visit Esperanza North.
Click the link below to gain a better understanding on how to program your HomeLink button in your vehicle, directory codes and event codes.
Email Us if you have any gate questions.
Gate FAQs and Info
Before considering buying or building in our neighborhood, please ensure your builder has been approved by the HOA's Design and Review Committee, as this is a requirement in our covenants.
There are 4 things that need to happen to make sure you stay in the know. Please make sure you complete the following:
- Get access to this website! Go to the Login page and click “Register”. Complete the requested info and submit your request. We will review and approve your access. Once you have access, you can see the secured information throughout the site. Also, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to he Message Boards to stay on top of the latest updates.
- Register with the Gate System. Please contact gate@esperanzanorthhoa.com to request your name and info to be added to the gate system so you and will be able to access the neighborhood, pool, pedestrian gate and clubhouse. Please send the following to the above email: Address of Property, Full Names and Phone Numbers of each owner, 4 digit personal gate code you would like to use to open the main gates. In addition, you will be assigned a Directory Code you can hand out to visitors for them to dial you directly. If you don’t know your Directory Code, please contact the gate email and they will send you your individual Directory Code.
- Pick up two Gate Clickers and two Clubhouse/Pool Access Cards As a new neighbor you are given 2 clickers and pool/clubhouse/pedestrian gate access cards (access cards do not open the main gate). You can use the clickers to program your car buttons as well (depending on your car manufacturer). Gate Clickers are not delivered automatically. You need to contact the gate team to schedule a pickup time. Additional gate clickers can be purchased for 50.00 each. Additional Access Cards or Fobs are $25 each. If you are moving into an existing home and not a newly built home, the previous owners are responsible for passing down their gate clickers/access cards to you. These clickers need to be reprogrammed to include your information for your access. If they do not, you will need to purchase additional gate clickers. Contact gate@esperanzanorthhoa.com for more info.
- Send billing your contact info to be on the HOA billing software. This is a must so we know who to contact for HOA dues and important notifications concerning your property in this neighborhood. Please email billing@esperanzanorthhoa.com with your contact info including, First and Last Name, Address of Property, Date you acquired, Contact phone, Contact Email, and postal address if you live at another property or receive postal mail at another address.
Message Boards
If you are a new member, please visit the Message Boards and subscribe to the boards that you are interested in. This keeps you up-to-date with the latest information. The Message Boards provide a great way for us to communicate with each other both the necessary information about the neighborhood and maintenance as well as any Social Activities.
We now have a closed group page on Facebook. To join, go to our
Facebook page.
If you would like to reserve the clubhouse for a certain date, please go to the Calendar and verify that date is currently open. Then request a reservation.
If you need gate clickers or gate codes, please contact our Gate team at gate@esperanzanorthhoa.com. Also, with advance notification, they can schedule gates to be opened for your entertaining events. Please email the above address to request gate scheduling.
Clubhouse Address |
Our Clubhouse Address is 15701 Laguna Drive, Edmond, OK. 73013
Message Board |
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Announcements  |
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